A For-Reals Introduction Post

11:53 AM

I figure that it can't hurt to post a little about what this blog is going to be and who I am. Should help to cut down on the 'Who's the Crazy Lady?' ponderings ;)

I'm a new mom, a mixed media artist, a amateur cooking aficionado, gardening nut, and DIY enthusiast.  Basically, shopping trips for me are a chance to be inspired.  I have half a dozen projects on the go at any one time.  I'm getting better at actually completing them - life is a work in progress.

I'm going to chronicle many of my projects here, as well at the fun of a new baby girl.  I have another blog that I use to keep up my connections with my spirituality and the Pagan community.  In time, these two blogs may be merged into one.  Or I may just use this one as a link to projects and my Etsy store.  I haven't really decided yet.  Time will tell.

Well, that is me in a nutshell.  Now I need to get the baby dressed and make my way to the grocery store.

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